Run 8 train simulator routes
Run 8 train simulator routes

run 8 train simulator routes

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please visit HyRail Simulations website to get an important ALine update that will merge the ALine route, if you own it, with the Waycross route after you install it. The route also includes the Rayonier Plant which is the worlds largest wood pulp processing facility at Doctortown just north of Jesup and many other cool features that only Run8 First at Race Pond, GA on the Jesup sub the line travels to Waycross, and to Rice Yard with its receiving yard feeding the 64 track operational Hump Classification bowl! Second at Winokur, GA and continues up to the famous little town of Ludowici, GA. The Run8 CSX Waycross route covers approximately 80 miles in the southeast part of Georgia, the CSX Waycross expansion begins in two places at the current ALine limits. Oh and one more important thing, the many, many cool features that only Run8 Yes, this may be another desert route but it is an extremely scenic one that runs along the historic highway US Route 66 which spans from the breathtaking Colorado River crossing to the beautiful Crozier Canyon and the scenic Pinon Forests beyond. Amtrak's popular Southwest Chief's #3 and #4 will run at 90MPH in many places and they also change crews at Kingman, AZ. The route features a double mainline with seperated grades at various places and there are several large industries that are served by locals along the route including the massive Kingman Industrial Park east of Kingman. The BNSF Seligman Sub West route is roughly 150 miles long and extends the Run8 network from Needles, CA to Seligman, AZ. The grade is 2% and greater uphill westbound. The Oak Creek Branch runs between the Wye at Mojave, CA, and a CalPortland cement plant located in Creal, about 8 miles west of Mojave. The branch is approximately 17 miles in length, snaking its way to the south and east, passing thru the towns of Lamont, Digorgio, and ending in Arvin, CA. The Arvin Branch joins the SP\UP mainline at Magunden, about 3 miles railroad-east\south of Kern Jct. You will notice that there are extra areas outside of this scope, as we have intention for them in future projects. However, we extended the original scope to also include the Union Pacific Alhambra Sub and the LAJ. The original scope of this project was the BNSF mainline between San Bernardino and Hobart, inlcuding LAUPT for Amtrak. This line was originally laid by ATSF (Santa Fe) as part of their trans-con line. Run8's BNSF San Bernardino Sub covers an area of Southern California between San Bernardino\Colton and Los Angeles (Hobart Yard). The route also sees 12 Amtrak San Joaquin passenger trains a day servicing 4 stations along the route! Along the route are numerous grain facilities that are used to unload grain cars for disribution across the central valley. Run8's BNSF Bakersfield Sub covers roughly 110 miles of mainline between BNSF Bakersfield Yard in Bakersfield, CA to Calwa Yard in Fresno, California.

run 8 train simulator routes

The current parent-company owns all three of these operations along with the Trona Railway and its tracks & equipment. This line serves three mineral mining operations that operate next to Searles Lake (a dry lakebed) near the towns of Trona and Argus, CA. Searles Yard is used as an interchange between the UP\SP Railroad and the Trona Railway. The Trona Railway operates between Searles Yard and the town of Trona, CA, roughly 30 miles in length. Between Mojave and Searles, there are a few industries served at Chaffee, Cantil & Saltdale. Since then, this branch is only about 50 miles in length, running between Mojave Yard and Searles Yard. In the early 1980's, the Southern Pacific Railroad filed for abandonment of roughly 100 miles from Searles, CA, to Lone Pine. This branch originally ran for about 150 miles to Lone Pine, CA. The UP\SP Lone Pine Branch starts at the Main 2 Switch just north of Mojave Yard, heading northeast across Highway 14. Run8's Lone Pine Branch and Trona Railway: IMPORTANT NOTE: All of our route addons are compatiable with v2! Please CLICK HERE to visit our Updates Page for v2 updates.

Run 8 train simulator routes